Below are clinical studies and peer-reviewed publications featuring InMode technology. The content provided is published by a third party and based on physician experiences and study results. InMode does not take responsibility for content provided by the independent practitioners as the language may differ than InMode manufacturer clearances. InMode does not endorse any particular physician. Statements and study results provided by about InMode products are based on the individual experiences of those individuals. Individual experiences may vary. InMode does not endorse the settings discussed by any particular physician. Any of those statements are those of the individuals making them and do not reflect to opinions or views of InMode, its parent or affiliate companies or any of their contractors. While every effort is made to ensure that the content posted by us online is current and accurate, we accept no liability for the content, accuracy, completeness or currency of that information and disclaim all liability to any person in relation to, or, in the use of, the information or data.